Sunday, July 26, 2009

40 Fresh Creative and Inspiring Photographs

There’s no hard and fast rule to achieve creative photography nor there are guidelines and steps to think out of the box.

But one thing’s for sure, for those who create some of the most creative photos in the world, they have great passion for photography and some good few years of practices and experience.

...Check it out Here

Friday, July 24, 2009

Welcome to TrekEarth!

TrekEarth is dedicated to fostering a global community interested in photography from around the world.

TrekEarth members strive to provide engaging photographs and useful critiques for each other and the entire internet community...Check them out

The Filter Flare Factor from Luminous Landscapes

Filters and Flares learn about it Here.

The 10 Most Expensive Photographs Ever

Check it out Here

Culture Picture Galleries from the Telegraph UK

From the Telegraph.UK some galleries for viewing.

Finding perfect photographic composition in your viewfinder

From Layers Magazine.. Check it out